Community Groups 573 total

IF intermittent fasting 1 topics

Using Ketogenic Diet low carb and intermittent fasting 1 topics

Last message on 04/29/16 by Jls43: I also notice you started a group on fasting to get off diabetes - I am pre-diabetic so am also motivated to control my insulin...let's do this!!

Santé 1 topics

Describe the group and its goals here. 1 topics

Last message on 04/25/16 by ChantaleTrek: Oui

Greyhawk 2 topics

Individuals who are trying Soylent 1.5 or Soylent 2.0 for weight loss. 2 topics

Last message on 04/16/16 by Mombles: That's because fresh rat is so expensive and rare.

Active Support 67 topics

Active support is a key component for some people in achieving their weight goals. This group is for those looking for active and regular support. Open to people at any stage of their weight loss journey. The only requirement is active participation in the group, by commenting on others posts and contributing your own weekly (minimally) update. New conversation threads are created weekly on Sunday and can be started by any member. There is a post reserved for introductions to tell the group about yourself, a post reserved for weight loss resources, and a post reserved for favorite recipes- please contribute! :) Members are asked to 'friend' other members of the group so as to make use of the blog function. Feel free to jump right in! Together we can all succeed! **PLEASE NOTE** As group size is limited to 10 people, inactive members will be removed to make space. Please post minimally once a week to be considered active or let the group know if you are going on holiday!! 67 topics

Last message on 04/11/16 by U3434382: Good morning, I hope it's okay that I jointed this group. I'm looking for some accountability you see! My name is Chrissie. I've been a member of MND for ages but I haven't ever really used it consistently. However, when I do use it, weight...

Booty Patrol 2 topics

Get healthy and lose weight 2 topics

Last message on 04/04/16 by SaraMaree: Just testing - can you see this?

How to raise your Metabolism, really works! 1 topics

Describe the group and its goals here. 1 topics

Last message on 03/28/16 by Shiznik: Off to the gym today I go, I will do legs and arms....

Hawaii Bound 1 topics

Get to Hawaii 1 topics

Last message on 02/20/16 by Barbsquared: I will be using swimsuits as a motivational tool go my weight loss. I want to not only look great in my suit, I want to be able to physically enjoy everything I can. This will be the force to keep me going on my 1-2 pound weight loss per week!

Let's. just. DO. this. 2 topics

- Women in their 30's - 40's - Lose 20-30lbs (ish) - Eat & drink smarter & healthier - Exercise consistently but non-obsessively - BENEFITS - Returning to our former awesomeness, wearing properly fitting clothes, feeling healthier (and sexier!), demonstrating positive attitudes about health / food to those we love, regaining faltering confidence (whether we admit it or not :) 2 topics

Last message on 02/17/16 by Bychristmas: SpinningInfinity, what virtual team did you join? Something like this?

Rock Climbers Health 1 topics

Rock climbers often have, or think they have weight issues. Thinking that alone is a weight if dropped can help... If you climb or a nutritionist or just have constructive comments please join. Elaborate your experience advice or need. Until that day > May the Force be with you. 1 topics

Last message on 02/17/16 by ZoltanPapp: For your convenience read this article about being gluten intolerant. I kinda summed it up w my words but there are the links for the original article and paper. Please enjoy: Peter Gibson Australian scientist who published a paper in 2011 about...

Post Baby Moms Fine Tuning the Final Baby Weight! 1 topics

Mom's who are done having their babies and are working to get off those final 15 pounds of baby weight! 1 topics

Last message on 02/01/16 by Helena: I'm looking for someone to encourage and challenge me in losing 5-10 lbs by staying active and eating healthy. Anyone else in?