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Technical Support

Not full 3 messages

Last message on 04/21/23 by Lindalouski64: I love raw carrots and they make you feel full. Combine with an apple or a hand full of nuts… so satisfying

Remaining From Daily Target wrong for Protein\Fat\Carb 3 messages

Last message on 04/21/23 by Mnd_tech_support: Hello U1194569822, Thank you for the feedback! Could you please email any related screenshots along with your comments? We'll look into this. Thank you. Sincerely, Dmitry S. --MyNetDiary Tech Support team

Accuracy of omega information 2 messages

Last message on 04/18/23 by Dietician: Hi U1195161656, Thanks for your question. We are only able to provide the omega values for foods when that information is available through the USDA food database. The omega values are not available for a large number of foods so you are correct,...

Forum won’t load 6 messages

Last message on 04/10/23 by U1195020138: Won’t load for me either

Why is MyNetDiary not even attempting to import Active Energy or Resting Energy from iOS Health app? 7 messages

Last message on 04/10/23 by NormanC: The underlying assumptions of your replies are "Just trust us" Well, the entire fitness industry has lost my trust over the last 30 years. Its very clear that no one knows anything for sure about fat loss and the relationship between calories...

Is there any way to get MND to record and show us the TOTAL calories expended? 1 messages

Last message on 04/10/23 by NormanC: Not just the exercise calories. EVERYTHING. BMR, exercise, everything. That number needs to be recorded every day as well. Because it changes over time. Then we can compare calories in vs calories out. This is SUCH a basic number. WHy is it...

Forums 7 messages

Last message on 04/04/23 by Dietician: We apologize for the inconvenience. The developers are in the process of testing the new community and are planning for it to be available by next month. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Breastfeeding 2 messages

Last message on 04/04/23 by Dietician: Hi Kenziejae, Thanks for your question. There isn't a way to tell the app you are breastfeeding but you can set your calorie goal to override the estimated calories. You can also simply use your weight maintenance calories as your daily target and...


Last message on 04/04/23 by Mamadeaux: MODERATION IS 🔑!!! Keep up your good work, even if you are plateauing. If you are continuing to meet your calorie budget snd daily exercise program, good things will begin to happen! How can we help…or celebrate…you today???

High cortisol anyone ? 1 messages

Last message on 04/04/23 by Meme53: Hi high serum cortisol by blood tests which equates to slow fatloss Stress hormone Anyone else ?

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