Exercise, Fitness, and Sports Topics

Exercise, Fitness, and Sports

WeightLost FAST 1 messages

Last message on 05/05/20 by Makoy1: ...

Arthritis and bone on bone joints 6 messages

Last message on 04/26/20 by Jackwhitersb: ...

Exercise Bike 6 messages

Last message on 01/31/20 by Dietician: Hah! Well, then it will be a reminder to you how things used to be! Best, Sue MyNetDiary Dietitian

How can I calculate stairs climbing? 4 messages

Last message on 01/22/20 by Dietician: Hi Jloughlin- Figuring out calories burned from various activities is a challenge. How many flights of stairs can you complete in 30 minutes? In the app you can use the exercise entry "stair climbing, slow pace" or "running, stairs up" and you...

Fitbit Step Counting/Backpacking 2 messages

Last message on 10/11/19 by Dietitian: Hi Gary, it does burn more calories to carrry a 25 lb load vs. carrying no load. If you are using FitBit to count steps, you could just accept the underestimation of your exercise calories burned and know that it is contributing to creating a...

Updated App: No longer able to customize exercise 2 messages

Last message on 07/12/19 by Dietitian: Hi SilentKnight, that does sound frustrating. Can you please send an email directly to support@mynetdiary.com about what happened? Include the app that you are using (Android vs. iPhone app). Thanks, Kathy (I'm one of the dietitians).

MS diagnosis 3 messages

Last message on 06/02/19 by Dietician: Hi U1186738679-Welcome to MND! Let us know how the tracking and healthy eating go this week for you! As for lower intensity exercise I think first off listen to your body. It sounds like you are already doing this, which is huge! I second what...

Therapy 2 messages

Last message on 05/28/19 by Dietician: Greetings LaFarren2013- Welcome back! That is awesome that you are getting in your chair more and more and that it is possible for you to include some wheeling around your house AND weight lifting. Pat yourself on the back! When you wrote in back...


Last message on 05/07/19 by Dietician: Hi Simplycidalia- Sounds like you are thinking through this in a very practical and realistic manner. It is all about progress not perfection. Thanks for sharing~ Joanna (MND Dietician)

weight loss 2 messages

Last message on 03/22/19 by Dietician: Yes, walking is an excellent way to burn off the calories and is a type of physical activity that requires very little other than a good pair of sneakers!

Exercise, Fitness, and Sports. Exercise, Fitness, and Sports