Exercise, Fitness, and Sports Topics

Exercise, Fitness, and Sports

Rapier? 2 messages

Last message on 03/08/19 by Dietician: Hello Soulkeeper- The American College of Sports Medicine and Center for Disease Control define fencing as moderate physical activity 3.0-6.0 METS which equals 3.5-7 kcals burned per minute of activity. Fencing is listed as an option under the...

Dizzy at the gym 5 messages

Last message on 03/05/19 by Dietician: Hi Ericaclonts- It sounds like you have a high level of awareness of how your body feels, which is a healthy thing. When our body is talking to us it often does so in a subtle way at first and then ramps up the volume and screams at us. Why now...

Frustrated at weight plateau 3 messages

Last message on 01/28/19 by Dietician: Hello Falcieri, Weight plateaus can be frustrating! Especially if you were doing well and the scale was reflecting your hard work. Do not lose hope! Weight plateaus are very normal. Here is an article I think you may find useful on weight...

How to log Steps 2 messages

Last message on 01/02/19 by Dietician: Hello Mark998, What a nice gift for tracking your exercise! That is a great question that many people ask. MyNetDiary automatically subtracts out estimated steps from all walking, running, and jogging exercises logged. This prevents...

Exercising and no movement on the scales 2 messages

Last message on 12/13/18 by Dietician: Hey Jessicahamilton, This is Brenda, dietitian with MyNetDiary. I responded to your message in the "Ask a Dietitian" section and in it I asked a lot of questions to help prompt you to think about why you may not be losing. It can be frustrating...

Too old too move 5 messages

Last message on 12/12/18 by Dietician: Dear U2228948, I have found a lot of seated exercise videos on YouTube. Here is a link with a bunch of them. Always make sure you follow your doctor or physical therapist's advice on safe exercise for you and modify as necessary. ... Another...

Starting weight loss journey 8 messages

Last message on 12/03/18 by Dietician: Thank you Simplycidalia for sharing. Our little ones sure are motivating! Best- Joanna

Exercise, Fitness, and Sports 1 messages

Last message on 11/29/18 by Curtissierra00: Losing weight is hard to do if we're stressed. I've tried so many diets and exercises, but all of them are not effective to lose some pounds.You can minimize your body's production of cortisol by simply by learning to relax. And if you need a...

Reward--FitBit. 100 lb loss 15 messages

Last message on 10/15/18 by Dietician: Hi Amykee1- How are things? Your weight loss thread on MND continues. Are you still tracking? How is the weight maintenance phase going for you? Your hard work and dedication have certainly inspired others! Drop a line and let us know how you...

Question about Fitbit Calories and Maintenance Calories 14 messages

Last message on 08/31/18 by Justjennie: Indeed. I have to say I am a bit addicted to my Fitbit now. LOL

Exercise, Fitness, and Sports. Exercise, Fitness, and Sports