Weight Loss Topics

Weight Loss

Weightloss week#4 2 messages

Last message on 01/24/22 by Momof2boys12: This is awesome โ€ฆ keep up the good work โ€ฆ

Weight losing buddy 8 messages

Last message on 01/23/22 by ADP: Hi guys, it does pay to have support ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ! We can cheer and lend support to each other. I started this program 12 years ago and itโ€™s great. Iโ€™m here to reinforce the principles and drop some pounds.

Weight Loss 2 messages

Last message on 01/23/22 by ADP: Go for it๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ! You are well on your way and can make it๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ!! Weโ€™re here to cheer you on and be happy for your success with you๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

Weightloss week #3 4 messages

Last message on 01/22/22 by Jennnn: Yes ^ probably growing your muscle mass at the same time

Anorexic - Getting the help you deserve! 10 messages

Last message on 01/12/22 by Dietician: We at MyNetDiary take health and eating habits very seriously and ask that anyone who is currently struggling with disordered eating of any type including anorexia, stop using the app and get help immediately. You are worth it! The MyNetDiary...

Weightloss Week #2 6 messages

Last message on 01/12/22 by U1190928141: great job the weight comes off pretty quick at first im at my last 10 lbs and its going a little slower

Weight 6 messages

Last message on 01/09/22 by U1190737432: That is amazing!

Lost 3 lbs in a week 6 messages

Last message on 01/09/22 by U1190737432: Okay, so there is this youtuber that i feel you would really love! I absolutely LOVE her and am obsessed with her workouts! Her name is Lilly Sabri and she has TONS of AMAZING workout videos! I highly recommend her to beginners, intermediate...

Binge eating but not rly 4 messages

Last message on 01/09/22 by U1190737432: Yes!! That helped me SO much! I bought a pretty/cute water bottle and filled it up with water! I was sipping on it all day, and not only is it good for hydrating ur body, it is good for not eating crap for no reason:)

how to stop binge eating 18 messages

Last message on 01/09/22 by U1190737432: The way i stopped eating junk food a lot, was simply not buying it or hiding it. Trust me, eventuallyโ€ฆ the cravings go away once you stop feeding your body those sugary and crapy greasy foods:)

Weight Loss. Weight Loss