Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator Topics

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator

Macros for pregnancy 5 messages

Last message on 09/15/23 by Dietician: Hi there- Congratulations on your pregnancy! MyNetDiary is very flexible and allows you to adjust your calories and macronutrients. This can be done by clicking on My Plan. This article walks you through optomizing tracking during pregnancy and...

Binge Eating 4 messages

Last message on 09/05/23 by Dietician: Hi StarLight299, stress or emotional eating is common. You are not alone. It does sabotage your weight loss efforts though. Here are some articles with tips on ways to deal with stress and emotions other than eating. You have developed this habit...

Weight perimenopausal won’t budge 4 messages

Last message on 09/05/23 by Dietician: Sorry to hear you are not seeing the weight loss. That can be frustrating when you are making an effort. Here are some articles to help you troubleshoot and get the scale moving down. ... ... Hope this helps. Please keep us posted. Brenda...

Carotenemia 3 messages

Last message on 09/04/23 by Turducken: Thank sos much, Joanna! Sounds like I should limit intake to avoid becoming an Oompa Loompa again!

Replacing Food as Reward - Advice 3 messages

Last message on 09/04/23 by Dietician: Hi there EMS- Welcome to MyNetDiary! You are not alone when it comes to rewards=food. This can be very challenging! BekahMay had some great ideas. Which ones might you try? This article offers some additional ways to reward your progress outside...

Increasing Fibre 3 messages

Last message on 09/01/23 by Dietician: Hi U1193342723, Here are some articles with good info on fiber sources. ... ... ... Hope this info is useful. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

How to stop eating in the night? Help! 12 messages

Last message on 08/25/23 by Celtiel: Start easy! Stock up on some snacks that are healthier alternatives, preferably something with protein or fiber. Single serve cottage cheese cups, Hard boiled eggs, Apples, A cup of grapes, Pickles or Olives if you’re craving salt, etc.

Can I go back to eating my maintenance 2 messages

Last message on 08/25/23 by Dietician: Hi there U1196236396- Congrats on meeting your goal! That must feel awesome! MyNetDiary works for weight loss as well as maintenance. Simply adjust your weight goal under "My Plan." This article walks you how to use the app during maintenance:...

Unable to lose weight 3 messages

Last message on 08/21/23 by Dietician: Hi U1196487622- I am sorry to hear the scale is not reflecting your hard work. I realize this can be frustrating and cause doubt in the process. Many people do not see changes on the scale in the first week of tracking. Stick with it and see if...

Pickleball 2 messages

Last message on 08/17/23 by Dietician: Hi U1196485588, You can record your minutes of pickleball in the exercise section. Only record active play time. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator. Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator