Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator Topics

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator


Last message on 03/30/23 by Dietician: Hi U1194827475, I thought you might be interested in these short desk exercise videos. Easy workout moves you can do at your desk ... Stretch and strengthen with this 10-minute workout. Includes upper and lower body exercises that use your desk...

Protein 3 messages

Last message on 03/30/23 by Dietician: Hi Wilber66, Here are some great articles with ideas for protein sources. Do you include eggs and dairy products? If so, these are excellent protein sources. If not, there are many vegan sources such as beans and peas, tofu and soy products,...

Too much vegetables... 1 messages

Last message on 03/29/23 by U1193073686: Hi, I usually eat around 1kg of vegetables per day but I have the feeling that it is too much (bloating etc), even though my carbs figures are good. I think it should be more balanced with my grain intake... How many percentage of my daily...

High Protein Bfast 1 messages

Last message on 03/24/23 by ÉlaBella: Hi All, I was having a tough time until one of our family friends shared that bfast is a high protein savoury meal. I now start my day with between 160-180g venison fillet that I fry in soy sauce. It keeps me full for most pf the day. 💪🙏✨

Frustrated 5 messages

Last message on 03/23/23 by KT10: Thank you Brenda. I appreciate you responding. I had a good day after putting myself out there.

Low Carb Low Sugar Foods 2 messages

Last message on 03/23/23 by Dietician: Hi U1194908284, Here is a list of carb-counted snacks at this link: ... Also, if you are a Premium member, you have access to 320 low-carb recipes in the Premium recipe collection. Here is a link that explains about Premium recipes. ... Hope...

Anyone else as they are losing a large amount of weight watching loose skin start to appear? Ughh pros / cons of major weight loss 6 messages

Last message on 03/23/23 by U1192481520: I needed to read this thread, thanks all!!

B-12/Lipo shots 4 messages

Last message on 03/22/23 by Dietician: Hi again U1194256354- That is smart to pay attention to the details. Best to you in using the app. Let us know if any other questions arise. We are happy to help. In good health~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)


Last message on 03/21/23 by RunNonPlants0770: thank đź’™ you for the info

Carb Count 2 messages

Last message on 03/17/23 by Dietician: Hi there U119145383- I hope your tracking is going well! The method depends on your reason for tracking carbohydrates. Some people “watch carbs” for weight loss. While other individuals “watch carbs” because they have diabetes or prediabetes....

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator. Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator