Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator Topics

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator

Eating regularly 2 messages

Last message on 01/24/23 by SampleMeals: Hi Kapp'n, Yes, it is very normal to want to eat more and to feel hungry on your very low-calorie intake. I hope you are under medical supervision for your low-calorie diet so that they can help monitor your health while you are losing. We want...

Not eating enough? 5 messages

Last message on 01/24/23 by Kapp’n: Your input has been seen, thank you! I’ll try taking your advice for a while and see how I feel. :)

Eating every 2-3 hours? 8 messages

Last message on 01/24/23 by Kelly🍀: Congrats!

Advise 3 messages

Last message on 01/22/23 by Dietician: Hi Jasmine- Welcome to MyNetDiary! The app takes the guesswork out of figuring out how many calories you need to meet your health goals. Just answer the questions when you first sign up and you'll be on your way~ Many people find these resources...

Not eating enough? 3 messages

Last message on 01/22/23 by Dietician: Hi Kapp'n- While tracking calories, macros, and other metrics can be helpful for many individuals working to lose weight, for others it can promote negative feelings about your body otherwise known as a negative body image. This is important, as...

New to calorie deficit. Am I being extreme? 2 messages

Last message on 01/21/23 by Dietician: Hi there U1194265672- Thanks for reaching out! Recovering from COVID can impact us mentally and physically and it takes time before we feel "back to ourselves." Take it easy on yourself and don't rush things! A height of 170 cm and weight of 58...

Red days 3 messages

Last message on 01/20/23 by Dietician: Hi there U1194025449- Yes, U1192808539 is correct- A green bar indicates that you were within your calorie budget, while a red bar indicates that you went over your budget on that day. If your goal is weight loss, a red bar means you have gone...

Bariatric surgery 6 messages

Last message on 01/18/23 by Dietician: Hi Stella_Celeste- It sounds like you are doing really well adjusting to your new lifestyle. I think you will find supplement tracking as well as blood sugar and medication tracking helpful. Did you know you can input your own recipes? Here are a...

Weight 2 messages

Last message on 01/18/23 by Dietician: Hi U1188645685- We suggest weighing and measuring food after it is cooked. Yes, you are correct! Meats in particular tend to shrink about 25% during the cooking process. Here are some additional portion estimation tips:... Have a great day! Joanna...

Should I stop snacking so much? 9 messages

Last message on 01/17/23 by NailsproKim: As long as you stay within your calorie range for the day it shouldn’t matter right?

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator. Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator